Inclusion tools

Safe suitable relevant and inclusive brand communications banner

[Part 2] Suitable relevant and inclusive context for brand communications

Solutions to publish safe, suitable, relevant and inclusive content in enterprise communications. … Read More

Metrics to measure impact of inclusive representation in content

[Part 1] Measuring the impact of inclusive representation in content

Find out how you can measure inclusive representation in content. This means

Metrics for “is my content inclusive”: a degree / measure of representative and bias free content that you post.

Metrics for “impact of inclusive content”: this is through improved customer attraction, retention, reduced attrition, conversion metrics and anecdotal testimonies via direct people feedback. … Read More

Dost Logo Inspiration

Story behind Dost logo and name

Why did we name our BOT for safe and inclusive online conversations as Dost? What does Dost mean? How did we develop the logo? What is the inspiration and how is it relevant to the work we do? … Read More

Unlearning Series | Gender microaggressions at workplace

Gender microaggressions at workplace

What are gender microaggressions? How do they manifest in language? How do they impact an organization? How to respond to microaggressions? The role of technology to mitigate microaggressions and bias in content and conversations. … Read More

Banner Image - Tech for Inclusive workplace conversations (3)

A business case for AI to tackle incivility in enterprise messages​

We provide our key findings from primary and secondary research to support the business case for building Dost – AI for tackling incivility in workplace conversations. … Read More

Workplace microaggressions – are they real?

In this blog we define what workplace microaggressions are, how they manifest in communications and conversations and how one can tackle these … Read More

Remote working teams collaboration V2

Technology to foster inclusive messages between remote working teams​

We explore the growing problem of incivility in workplace communications, the barriers it can create in inclusion and technologies to tackle these issues. … Read More

Unlearning series | For inclusive representation in content

Inclusive representation in customer care messaging

Using a real example of unconscious bias and microaggressions in customer support messages we provide solutions for inclusive representation. … Read More

AI for inclusive representation in content

Technology to accelerate inclusive representation in enterprise content

AI technologies for Audit, Build and Check to accelerate inclusive representation in enterprise content … Read More

I Am Not Biased. Or Am I?

It wasn’t until I had started working with that I began to realise how wrong I have been all along. It turned out that I unknowingly had a preference for the younger generation as compared to the older generation. … Read More

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